
Linear Audio provides individualised, custom educational and instructions on request. Programs are developed according to your needs in terms of duration and contents. We can discuss your needs with no obligation. The attached is a sample offering for…

Jan Didden decided to retire from active engagement in audio technology. If you have a technical question regarding this website please contact the technical provider, Eric Sol

I also found out that in 1997, John Atkinson of Stereophile referenced an article of me in Audio Amateur "Negative feedback - curse or blessing". I seem to support no one less than Martin…

We visit Mundorf is the report of my visit to the Mundorf brothers, on the request of Ed Dell, when Mundorf was still trying to counquer a spot for themselves in the audio scene.

My one and only AES publication: Novel feedback topology obviates the need for high loop gain, J. M. Didden, AES preprint 4597, 103rd Convention, Sept 1997. In hindsight, it wasn't really brilliant, but as they say, participation is more…

Interview with Edward T Dell Jr. who has been…

Interview with Aalt-Jouk van den Hul, famous for his state-of-the-art phono cartridges but also from his developments of non-metallic audio-cables.

Interview with Siegfried Linkwitz, the man who gave name to the Linkwitz-Riley crossover filter, and whose influence on the development and evolution of speaker design can hardly be overestimated.

Interview with Jan Lohstroh, who together with Matti Otala developed the famous anti-TIM amplifier that is still being discussed (and criticised) to this day.

Interview with Malcolm Hawksford for AudioXpress journal

Interview with Nelson Pass for MultiMediaManufacturer (Feb 2010). Another audio designer who has his own ideas of how an audio amp should sound, and his customers seem to agree. Nelson also has a DIY-dedicated website …

Welcome at  Linear Audio! This site offers a wealth of technical audio and acoustics information in various forms.

First of all there are all the technical articles in the 14 Linear Audio Volumes. You can peruse all content here in the…

Excerpts from Linear Audio USB stick reviews.
(source: AudioXpress October 2021)

“If you love audio electronics [..], you will not be sorry you got this collection of top-notch material” - Bob Cordell

"… I…

To support then diyaudio Group Buy of Marcel van de Gevel's Tube DAC, here is his article for download.

The valve DAC - Submicron silicon meets submillimetre vacuum…

Distortion analysis with FFT.

Anyone who has used Fast Fourier Transfer techniques to analyse the spectrum of a signal knows about the use of windows. Briefly, if your signal is not synchronous to the FFT process,…

For many yeares I have been ussing a paid-for circuit simulator, part of the Proteus package from Labcenter in the UK. In 2017 I decided to give the free LTspice from (then still) Linear Technology a run, liked it and switched over.


Linear Audio High-Voltage delay unit


A great series of on-line articles articles by analog and digital guru Kendall Castor-Perry, aka The Filter Wizzard ....


Many of us (I'm also guilty) design power supplies for audio and related applications on auto-…

Few people will disagree that the strict technical performance of the vinyl LP audio reproduction system has since…